Modoc is convinced that one of the most important conditions for the
Sustainable business development is to ensure compliance with all its obligations
in case of a disruption.
This Policy declares compliance with best practices to protect the
organization of business interruption, reduce the probability of interruption and
ensure the conditions for recovery.
Area of application
This Policy is applied in all areas of the organization, in the operation of its
business processes, relationships with third parties, and decision making
in the name or on behalf of the organization.
The policy is consistent with business continuity purposes and results
expected in the organization's operational plans.
In the implementation of the business continuity management system we apply the
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PHVA) Cycle, Plan (establish), Do (and
operate), Verify (control and review) and Act (maintain and improve) to validate
continually improve the effectiveness of our BCMS. The main elements of this
model are as follows:
The Business Continuity Management System Policy is the document
that guides the work on business continuity in sample
Risk assessment is the identification, analysis and evaluation of the
impact of risks on Modoc's business objectives;
Analysis of the impact of a disruption on the business is the analysis and
evaluation of its potential impact on Modoc workflow and its
Modoc's business continuity management includes elements developed
in advance in the following scenarios: non-availability or
insufficient availability of productive resources (personnel, supplies,
facilities, information, equipment and tools, financial), and the
inaccessibility to clients;
The business continuity plan is the documented information that guides us
to respond to a disruption and resume, recover and restore the delivery of
products and services in accordance with our objectives;
The Emergency or Contingency Plan is the quick response for protection
of the productive resources and assets affected;
Testing and Training Courses, Modoc conducts various trainings to
workers in order to prepare them for the recommended action and
implementation of the plan in case a disruption materializes.
Increased efficiency, Modoc regularly reviews the procedures of
business continuity.
Each senior manager and department head is responsible for ensuring that the plan
business continuity conforms to best practices, is applied and operates in the
departments that depend on it.
Each Modoc employee has the responsibility of ensuring the continuity of the
business in its area of influence and the work it performs in accordance with the description
of the occupational profile.
Main results of the application of the Policy
Reduce negative impacts on the results expected in the Management Plan
Business Continuity (PCN) in the event of a disruption.
Maintain the loyalty of customers, consumers and suppliers by demonstrating the
sustainability of the business, as provided for in the business continuity plan